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July 13, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 9:28 am

Makes 6 fishcakes (enough for 3 normal meals or 2 massive ones!). Cost £3.15


  • 450g fresh mackerel 
  • Half an orange 
  • 300g white potato 
  • 2 tsp curry powder 
  • 1 egg, beaten 
  • 3 slices bread 
  1. Place the mackerel under a medium grill for about 15 minutes.  
  2. Meanwhile peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Boil in salted water until cooked.
  3. Drain the potatoes and mash them thoroughly with a little salt and pepper and the curry powder.
  4. Skin the mackerel (it should come off easily after grilling) and remove the bones. Add the flesh to the potato and mix well.
  5. Squeeze over about half the juice from the orange and finely grate in the very top layer of the zest. Mix well and use your hands to form the fishcakes.
  6. Place the 3 slices of bread in a blender and blitz until you have fine breadcrumbs. Put the breadcrumbs on a plate.
  7. Coat the fishcakes in the beaten egg and cover in breadcrumbs.
  8. Place on baking foil in the oven at about gas mark 7 until the breadcrumbs are crisp (approximately 15 minutes) and golden brown.
  9. Turn the fishcakes and brown the other sides.
  10. Serve with rice tossed with coriander and boiled spinach.

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