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October 12, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — ros @ 12:40 pm

Ostrich in plum and ginger sauce 

Ingredients (For Two Portions) 

  • 400g Ostrich Fillet
  • A little five spice
  • 5 plums, stoned removed, cut into small chunks
  • 1-2 level tablespoons of sugar (depending on how sweet your plums are)
  • dash (about a capful) of dry sherry 
  • 2 cubic inches crushed fresh ginger
  • 2 tsp freshly ground cinnamon 
  • small shake (1/2 -3/4 tablespoon) light soy
  • 1/2 tablespoons clear honey
  • Egg fried rice and crispy seaweed to serve


  1. Cut the ostrich fillet into inch wide strips and season with a little salt and five spice.
  2. Place the plums and sugar in a saucepan, cover them with water and bring to a gentle simmer.
  3. After five minutes, the plums should have almost totally disintegrated. Stir in the ginger, cinnamon, soy and sherry and bring back to a simmer for about 10 minutes.
  4. If the mixture gets too dry add a touch more water but aim to have the mixture fairly thick at the end.
  5. Pass the sauce through a sieve to strain off the plum skins. Add honey to taste and adjust seasoning.
  6. Thicken the sauce with a little cornstarch if necessary and keep it hot while you make the ostrich.
  7. Get a frying pan really hot, so it is almost smoking. Sear the ostrich slices on each side for about 30-45s and remove from the pan. If you need to do this in batches, cover the slices with kitchen foil after removing from the pan to try and retain as much heat as possible.
  8. Add the ostrich pieces to the sauce and stir them in. Leave for a few minutes so the heat from the sauce finishes cooking the ostrich.
  9. Serve with egg fried rice or noodles and crispy seaweed.

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